Mothers who Successfully Educate Their Children

                                Mothers who Successfully Educate Their Children

Mothers WHO Successfully Educate Their Children (Sumber gambar Pixabay)
   Mothers who Successfully Educate Their Children (Sumber gambar Pixabay)

Mothers who successfully educate children

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Having children is a joy for parents almost everywhere. Parents have a number of interesting parenting stories that differ from one another. Parenting experience will participate in determining the pattern of parenting adjusted to the abilities and skills possessed including examples given by family, environment, and education.


Mothers who successfully educate children

Childcare and education

Mothers WHO Successfully Educate Their Children (Sumber gambar Pixabay)
   Mothers WHO Successfully Educate Their Children (Sumber gambar Pixabay)

Childcare and education begins when the child is in the womb. Parents who are accustomed to providing education can begin even though they have not been born in the world, by providing spiritual stimulus (religion) and others besides psychology, health and nutrition.

Parenting and education of children can be started by getting used to reading the Qur'an for Muslim mothers to familiarize themselves with divine verses in addition to familiarizing themselves with equipping servant bonds with Allah subhanahu wataala as the creator.


Mothers who Successfully Educate Children

Tips to Become a Successful Mother to Educate Children

Mothers WHO Successfully Educate Their Children (Sumber gambar Pixabay)
   Mothers WHO Successfully Educate Their Children (Sumber gambar Pixabay)

Tips for becoming a successful mother who educates children are usually influenced by various supporting factors. These supporting factors can be internal such as education, role models, experience. External supporting factors such as guidance, reading, the surrounding environment.


Mothers who successfully educate children

Some Tips to Become a Successful Mother to Educate Children

Mothers WHO Successfully Educate Their Children (Sumber gambar Pixabay)
   Mothers WHO Successfully Educate Their Children (Sumber gambar Pixabay)

3 Tips to be a successful mother who educates children

1.       Willingness to imitate the goodness of this world and the hereafter

Muslim life is actually happy because there is a relationship between life before, during and after life. The relationship between the three is a necessity.

Doing good such as learning religious knowledge, such as worship, muamalah requires study time and guidance from ustad or ustadzah. The next best Muslim is to learn and practice it in life.

Goodness in the world such as dealing with fellow humans, providing the benefits of obedience to the Divine is an act that needs to be done continuously or istiqomah.

2.       Giving a good name

Giving a good name is part of the act of instilling hope in the Divine, because a good name is a good prayer. A good name can ask the ustadz or ustadzah for guidance or by reading the name for the son or daughter of the family.

3.       Providing education both religious and knowledge

Providing education or tarbiyah of parents such as mothers to children is a primary obligation. Provision of religion will give light to recognize what humans were created for in the world. In addition, learning world knowledge is also a concern.

Successful Mothers Educate Children

Those are 3 tips to be a successful mother who educates children to be successful in this world and the hereafter. The child grows up to be the heart of parents' happiness.


How to Educate Children Ala Rasulullah, Guide to a Glorious Generation

How to Educate Ala Rasulullah

Mothers WHO Successfully Educate Their Children (Sumber gambar Pixabay)
   Mothers WHO Successfully Educate Their Children (Sumber gambar Pixabay)

Educating according to KBBI maintains and gives training (teaching, guidance, leadership) regarding morals and intelligence of the mind. Rasulullah Shallallahu Alaihi Wasallam is a good example for Muslims.

"When a person dies, his actions will not be continued except by three things, charity, useful knowledge, and a pious child praying for him."

There are two things that will shape a child's personality and character as taught by the Prophet Muhammad, namely the parents who gave birth to him and the environment in which he was raised. As the Prophet said: "every child is born in a state of purity, then it is his parents who make him (have a character), Jew, Christian, Majusi. As parents must try seriously in caring for and educating their children in the formation of true character. (HR. Bukhori no. 1296)

How to Educate Children Ala Rasulullah, Guide to a Glorious Generation

How to Educate Ala Rasulullah

Wijana (2008: 1.3) explains that the range of growth and development of early childhood lasts from birth to six years of age. At this time the growth and development of children at an early age is arguably quite rapid. At that time, children easily imitate the things they see or hear from the people around them. At this age children easily respond to stimulation provided by the environment which is then used to develop physical abilities, cognitive, language, socio-emotional, discipline, independence, moral and religious values. If children are equipped with good education and values from an early age, they will be able to develop their potential in a good and useful direction.


Educating Children in Islam

Mothers WHO Successfully Educate Their Children (Sumber gambar Pixabay)
   Mothers WHO Successfully Educate Their Children (Sumber gambar Pixabay)

There are two stages of children's age until they reach puberty. The first stage is before tamyiz and the second stage is after tamyiz. The definition of tamyiz is the period when children can distinguish something well. Children can distinguish what is good for themselves and what is bad or dangerous for them.

The achievement of the age of tamyiz will be greatly influenced by the child's education.

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