Social Work and Social Work Supervision Book

Social Work and Social Work Supervision Book

Social Work Book: Social Work Home Visit

Social Work and Social Work Supervision Book
Social Work and
Social Work Supervision Book

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The book social work home visiting a comprehensive introduction to family and community based home visiting written by Dr. Sugeng Pujileksono, M. Si. published by Intrans Publishing Malang City, East Java, ISBN 978-602-6293-63-3.

The book Social Work: Social Work Home Visits consists of 164 pages, 12 sections to describe the discussion of social work home visits in detail.

The first section of this social work book discusses the practice of social work home visits.

The second section the meaning of home visits over time

The third section the purpose and benefits of home visits

Social Work Book: Social Work Home Visit

Social work book: social work home visits

Fourth section, child and family social workers

Fifth section, theoretical basis of home visit implementation

Sixth section, application of family support in home visiting

Seventh section, basic beliefs and values of home visiting

Social Work Book: Social Work Home Visit

Social work book: social work home visit

Section eight, stages of home visiting

Section nine, home visit activities

Section ten, administrative procedures and standards for home visits

Section eleven, supervision of home visits

Section twelve, recording and reporting home visits

Social Work and Social Work Supervision Book

Social Work Book: Social Work Home Visit

Social work book : social work home visits

This social work book review home visit social work complements the knowledge of social pillars in carrying out social work tasks in the community.

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Social Work Supervision

Social workers themselves based on the International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW) are professions that encourage problem-solving efforts in human relations, social change, empowerment and human liberation, and improve society.

Sulistiati (2004) in Huda (2009) citing the results of the Pre-Conference Working for the 15th International Conference of Social Welfare defines social welfare as an overall social effort that is organized and has the main objective of improving people's lives based on their social context.

Supervision (Kadushin & Harkness, 2002) is an activity carried out in the form of training and sharing responsibilities. 

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