Islamic Parenting Summary A Window of Knowledge

Islamic Parenting Summary A Window of Knowledge 


Islamic Parenting

Islamic parenting is the care of children in the process of growth and development according to Islamic teachings. According to Syifa'a and Munawaroh in Ahdiah 2015, Islamic parenting skills are parenting based on the values of Islamic teachings, the Qur'an, and As-sunnah. Parenting is carried out according to Islamic religious guidance which aims to provide goodness in the world and the hereafter through explanations related to aspects of good education (Rachman, 2014).

The components contained in Islamic parenting according to Suwaid (2010) and Rachman (2014) include 

a. Being a good role model

b. Giving direction at the right time

c. Being fair

d. Fulfilling children's rights

e. Praying for the child

f. Helping the child to do good deeds and obedience

g. Not getting angry and criticizing the child

h. Education for children

Islamic Parenting Concept

The concept of Islamic parenting has existed since the development of Islam in ancient times. Raising children according to Islamic law is an obligation for parents.

Factors that Influence Islamic Parenting 

a. Responsibility to educate

b. Piety of parents

c. Knowledge

Definition of Teenagers 

1. Adolescence is a transitional process from childhood to adulthood (Hutabarat, et al 2010). According to the Regulation of the Indonesian Minister of Health Number 5 of 2014, adolescents are individuals aged 10 to 18 years. Meanwhile, according to WHO (2007), the age limit of adolescence is 12 to 24 years.

Adolescent Development The transition from childhood to adolescence involves a number of biological, cognitive, and socio-emotional changes (Santrock, 2011). 

a. Biological development Biological changes that occur during adolescence are growth spurts, hormonal changes, and sexual maturity that comes with puberty.

b. Socio-emotional development Rapid development in adolescents results in changes in their social development. Teenagers begin to form groups of friends, choose friends based on their compatibility and begin to separate themselves from their parents.

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