Social Worker

 Social Worker

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Social Worker (Pexels)
Social Worker (Pexels)

According to the international federation of social workers (DuBois and Miley, 2005: 4) social work is a profession that encourages social change, solves problems in relation to human relations, empowers and frees people to improve their welfare.

Social work is a professional activity in helping individuals, groups and communities to increase or improve their capacity for social functioning and to create community conditions conducive to achieving goals (Zastrow, 1999:5).

Social work is divided into three levels, micro (individuals), mezzo (families and small groups), and macro (organizations or communities). Each of these areas of social work has different methods in handling it (Edi Suharto, 2011: 164-165).

The most important goal of social work is social functioning, Skidmore asserts that social functioning is the main focus of social work, through interventions at the individual, family, group and community levels. The role of social work, to improve social functioning through various models of intervention is also what distinguishes it from other professions.

At a world conference in Monteral Canada in July 2000, the International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW) (Tan and Envall, 2000:5) defined social work as follows. The profession of social work encourages problem solving in relation to human relations, social change, empowerment and liberation, and community improvement.

Social workers are placed in a strategic position in various fields. It is proven that the Social Work profession is one of the eight best careers (Ritter, Careers in Social Work, (New York: Springer Publishing Company, 2009), p. 101. 101. The International Federation of Social Workers states that the social work profession serves to promote social change, problem solving in human relations and empowerment, and helps people to improve their welfare.

The Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary states that a profession is a paid job, especially one that requires advanced education and training.

The criteria for a profession put forward by Greenwood regarding a profession include (A. Fahrudin, Introduction to Social Welfare, (Bandung: Refika Aditama, 2012), pp.5-17):

First, A profession has basic knowledge and develops a systematic set of theories that direct practical skills; educational preparation must be intellectual or practical.

Second, Authority and credibility in client-professional relationships are based on the use of professional judgment and competence.

Third, a profession is given the power to regulate and control its membership, practice

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