Digital Marketing Example

 Digital Marketing Example

Digital Marketing Example (Sumber gambar Pixabay)
Digital Marketing Example (Pixabay)

Digital Marketing Example

Digital Literacy

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Literacy is a universal term that refers to a set of skills and people's ability to read, write, dialogue, calculate, and solve problems at a certain level of ability needed in everyday life. Thus, literacy cannot be separated from language skills[1].


The term literacy is pronounced as literatus, meaning a person who learns. Furthermore, the National Institute for Literacy states that what is meant by literacy is a person's ability to read, write, dialogue, calculate, and solve problems at the level of ability needed in work, family, and society.


The Education Development Center (EDC) also elaborates on the interpretation of literacy, which is the ability of people to use their abilities, and is not limited to literacy skills. UNESCO also states that literacy is a set of real skills, especially cognitive skills in reading and writing that are independent of the context in which the skills in question were acquired, from whom they were acquired and how they were acquired.


Digital is a description of a number condition consisting of 0 and 1 or off and on (binary numbers). Digital comes from the word Digitus, which in Greek means finger. If we count the fingers of an old person, up to 10( 10). The value of 10 consists of 2 radixes, namely 1 and 0. All pc systems use digital systems as their information base. Can also be pronounced as bits (binary digits).


Digital Literacy Inclusive (abbreviated as LIDI) is part of the Hackathon Merdeka program which specifically directs digital literacy to school children equivalent to junior high school in regions throughout Indonesia. Because the target is children and young people, the module taught is game development. This program was first initiated in Sleman, Yogyakarta, and was transmitted to other regions as a pilot."[1][2][3]


Sourced from the Wikipedia page, we can also say that the digital revolution is a form of globalization, which is a process of integration that is tried internationally because of the exchange of world thoughts, thoughts, products, and various other cultural aspects because of the increase in internet telecommunications infrastructure and modes of transportation.


Example of Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing Example (Sumber gambar Pixabay)
Digital Marketing Example (Pixabay)

Some other benefits of the digital age are as follows:

1.       Ease of Communication

2.       Mobile and Flexible

3.       Internet is more dominant than credit usage

4.       Easy Shopping and Getting the Necessary Things

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